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Scranton Today! Community Access Television: July 2005

Scranton Today! Community Access Television

Friday, July 29, 2005


Scranton Today Broadcast Schedule

Check out Scranton Today's weekend broadcast schedule, airing through Tuesday morning!

On Channel 61, see the Scranton Sewer Authority meeting, new episodes of Talk of the Town and Stories, Wisdom, & Recipes, the opening announcement of the Greater Scranton Film Office, and Part Two of the People's Law School, sponsored by the Lackawanna Bar Association!

On Channel 62, see this week's County Commissioners meeting, an episode of Homegrown Music featuring the Badlees, additional airings of Stories, Wisdom, & Recipes, and an encore presentation of "Why Shakespeare is Like Bob Dylan", a lecture with Jack McDonough!

Scranton City Council will be meeting on Monday, August 1st at 12:00 PM in City Council Chambers. Look for the live broadcast of the meeting on Channel 61 and replays beginning on Monday night!

Thursday, July 28, 2005


Scranton City Council Meeting

Please note that today's Scranton City Council meeting was cancelled due to the lack of a quorum.

To our knowledge, the City Council public hearing scheduled for 6:15 PM this evening will still be held.

Stay tuned to Scranton Today! for City Council meeting updates.


City Council Time Change

Please note that Scranton City Council has moved their Thursday, July 28th meeting from 7:00 PM to noon. Scranton City Council will also hold a public hearing at 6:15 PM in City Council Chambers. Both meetings will be broadcast live on Channel 61!

Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Scranton Today's New Broadcast Schedule

Check out Scranton Today's new broadcast schedule, running through Friday morning!

On Channel 61, see this week's County Commissioners meeting, new episodes of Talk of the Town, Legislative Report, and Straight Talk, and Part One of the People's Law School, sponsored by the Lackawanna Bar Association!

On Channel 62, see a new episode of Community Services, a special program on this year's National Night Out, additional airings of the People's Law School, and an encore presentation of "African Women as Creators: The Potter's Art", a lecture with Dr. Christa Clarke of the Newark Museum!

This week's live programming includes this month's Scranton Sewer Authority meeting, Wednesday at 6:00 PM, and this week's Scranton City Council meeting, Thursday at 7:00PM!

Please note that this week's City Council meeting will be the last meeting before Council's August recess. Scranton Today will resume broadcasting the Scranton City Council meetings in September, when Council reconvenes!

Friday, July 22, 2005


Scranton Today's Weekend Broadcast Schedule

Check out Scranton Today's weekend schedule, airing through Tuesday morning, July 26th!

See this week's City Council meeting, this month's Planning Commission and Redevelopment Authority meetings, From the Mayor's Office, new episodes of Talk of the Town and Conversations with the County Commissioners, and an encore presentation of "The Impact and Role of Folk Art in Everyday Life", a lecture with Ed McMullen, curator of the Everhart Museum!

Wednesday, July 20, 2005


Scranton Today's New Schedule

Tune into Scranton Today! and check out our new broadcast schedule, running through Friday morning, July 22nd!

On Channel 61, see this week's Scranton/Lackawanna Taxpayers Association meeting, the LHVA Greenway Project meeting, F.Y.I. en Espanol, Talk of the Town, and "Identifying Gangs and Gang Activity", a special program featuring panelists from United Crimewatch, the City of Scranton Police Department, the Lackawanna County District Attorney's Office, United Neighborhood Centers, and the Rose Mediation Center!

Channel 62 is up and running again! On Channel 62, see additional airings of these programs, plus encore presentations of the Scranton Tomorrow Community Forum and "The Impact and Role of Folk Art in Everyday Life", a lecture with Ed McMullen, curator of the Everhart Museum!

Live programming this week includes Planning Commission on Tuesday night at 7PM, Zoning Board on Wednesday at 6PM, and Scranton City Council on Thursday night, with the caucus beginning at 6PM and the meeting beginning at 7PM!

Friday, July 15, 2005


Scranton Today's Weekend Schedule

Check out Scranton Today's weekend broadcast schedule!

On Channel 61, see this week's City Council and County Commissioners meetings, Talk of the Town, F.Y.I. en Espanol, new episodes of From the Mayor's Office and Stories, Wisdom, & Recipes, and the Lackawanna Heritage Valley Authority's Greenway Project Meeting!

Due to technical difficulties beyond our control, there will be no programming on Channel 62 this weekend!

Thursday, July 14, 2005


Scranton City Council Meeting Rebroadcast

Please note that today's Scranton City Council meeting will be re-aired on Channel 61 beginning at 7:00 PM.

Look for additional replays of the meeting through Tuesday morning, at 7:00 AM and 7:00 PM each day!

Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Scranton Today's New Broadcast Schedule

Check out Scranton Today's new broadcast schedule, running until the morning of Friday, July 15th!

On Channel 61, see this week's County Commissioners meeting, this month's Recreation Authority meeting, F.Y.I., Talk of the Town, F.Y.I. en Espanol, new episodes of Straight Talk and the Northeast Legislative Journal, and a special program on this year's National Night Out!

On Channel 62, see additional airings of these programs, as well as encore presentations of Ordinary Heroes and this year's St. David's Day Banquet!

Look for Scranton City Council LIVE on Thursday, July 14th, at noon!

Please note that we are have been having audio difficulties with Channel 62. Adelphia is currently working on the problem, and it will be resolved as quickly as possible!


Scranton City Council Meeting Time Change

Scranton City Council has changed the time of their meeting scheduled for Thursday, July 14th. The meeting will be held at noon, and will be broadcast live on Channel 61. The times of the July 21st and July 28th meetings are still to be determined.

Monday, July 11, 2005


Monday Night Meetings

On Monday, July 11th at 7:00 PM, both the Scranton School Board and Scranton Recreation Authority will be meeting. Because of equipment limitations, Scranton Today can only tape the Recreation Authority meeting for rebroadcast.

Friday, July 08, 2005


Scranton Today's Weekend Schedule

Check out Scranton Today's weekend broadcast schedule!

On Channel 61, see this week's Scranton Taxpayers Association meeting, F.Y.I., Talk of the Town, F.Y.I. en Espanol, "Defining Folk, Defining Art", a lecture with Susan Kleckner of Antiques Roadshow, and "The Scranton-Dunmore-Moosic Lakes Railroad", a lecture with Alan Sweeney!

On Channel 62, see additional airings of the Susan Kleckner and Alan Sweeney lectures, encore presentations of the Lackawanna Historical Society Dinner and Lost Innocence: Reflections on Vietnam, and a new episode of Homegrown Music with musical guest Bob Malone, courtesy of WVIA!

Also note that Scranton City Council did not meet on Thursday, July 7th, so there will be no meeting re-broadcast this weekend! Their next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, July 14th at 7:00 PM...look for it live on Channel 61!

Thanks for watching, and have a great weekend!

Tuesday, July 05, 2005


Scranton Today's New Schedule

Scranton Today's new schedule is now running, and will continue until the morning of Friday, July 11th!

On Channel 61, see last week's County Commissioners meeting, F.Y.I., Talk of the Town, new episodes of In the Arena and Community Services, and a special encore broadcast of the Women Writers Tea!

The Women Writers Tea includes presentations from the following authors: Jennifer Haigh, Eileen Goudge, Amanda Hesser, Alisa Kwilney, Louisa Thomas Hargrave, Pamela Redmond Satran, Laura Shanine Cunningham, and Susan Borowitz!

The guests and topics of this week's talk shows are as follows:

Talk of the Town - Bob Schlessinger/Scranton Public Theatre
Community Services - Joe DeAntona & John Rettura/Victor Alfieri Club
In the Arena - Tony DiMattia & Kevin O'Hara/Sports and Entertainment

On Channel 62, see encore presentations of this year's Friendly Sons of St. Patrick Dinner, a lecture with mystery writer Phillip Margolin, a concert with author and pianist Mona Golabek, and additional airings of the Women Writers Tea!

Also, please note that this Thursday's Scranton City Council meeting has been cancelled! The next scheduled meeting is on July 14th, with the time to be determined!

Saturday, July 02, 2005


Channel 62 Schedule Change

Please note that due to a scheduling conflict between Channel 61 and Channel 62, the broadcast schedule for Channel 62 has changed.

The County Commissioners meeting will now air at 7:00 AM (previously airing at 8AM), the Scranton Tomorrow Community Forum will now air at 10:00 AM (previously airing at 11AM), and the Scranton City Council Caucus will now air at 1:00 PM (previously airing at 7AM).

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Friday, July 01, 2005


Welcome to Scranton Today's Blog!

Welcome to Scranton Today's Blog! Starting today, July 1st, we'll be updating you with the latest Scranton Today programming news, as well as important information regarding upcoming tapings and municipal meetings.

Check out our new schedule, running until the morning of July 5th!

On Channel 61, see this week's City Council meeting, F.Y.I., Talk of the Town, From the Mayor's Office, and Stories, Wisdom, & Recipes, featuring guests Don Noll and Virginia Kennedy and music by Teddy Young and the Aces!

On Channel 62, see this week's County Commissioners meeting, the City Council Caucus from Thursday's meeting, and an encore presentation of the Scranton Tomorrow Community Forum, including the preliminary results meeting from April 19th and the call-in show from June 22nd! Please note that the call-in portion was previously taped, so we will not be accepting phone calls, but you can send your comments, questions, and suggestions to:

Scranton Tomorrow Community Forum
c/o the Albright Memorial Library
500 Vine Street
Scranton, PA 18509

Check back for more updates, and have a safe and happy 4th of July!


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