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Scranton Today! Community Access Television: June 2007

Scranton Today! Community Access Television

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


June 2007

Just a note to keep viewers up to date on activities at Scranton Today for June 2007.

We were very happy to announce that Scranton Today will be working with the Scranton School District to cablecast important school events. The two Scranton High School graduations ceremonies were the first of what we hope to be a solid working relationship.

We are planning some important upgrades to our control room equipment that will allow us to present a wider assortment of programming during any one 24 hour cycle. Digital software and hardware will replace our outdated tape decks. We’re seeking $25,000 in grants and hope to have the equipment by the fall. If you would like to support this effort, please go to our web site, and make a donation to the station.

We’re working on a new logo for the station to better reflect our desire to work with a greater part of the community. It should be debuting shortly. During the coming year we want to expand our cadre of producers to create more diverse and new programming.

Lou Danzico President Scranton Today


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